July, 26, 2014
Dear Elder Alhmer´s Family:
It is my pleasure to inform you of an important leadership assignment that has been given to your son Elder Alhmer . Because of his obedience, faith, and great abilities as a missionary, he has been asked to serve as the trainer of a new elder. I want you to know that this assignment is inspired and, because of its importance, is only given after much prayer and pondering.
A trainer establishes the standards for a new missionary. He must be exemplar in his study of the scriptures and the gospel, in his obedience, hard work, teaching abilities and in all other aspects of missionary work. The habits of work, planning, and spirituality that he instills in the new elder will establish the course of the rest of his mission. He will need to give his companion the best beginning possible and provide him with the training, attitude, and direction that will allow this new elder to have a successful mission. This is a great responsibility, but I have faith in Elder Alhmer , and I trust that he will complete this assignment with the same diligence that he has shown in the past.
Sister Swapp and I appreciate Elder Alhmer for his efforts to carry the work of the Lord forward in this assignment. We express our appreciation to you for having raised such a fine young man. One who loves the gospel, loves the Lord, and serves him with all of his heart, might, mind and strength. It has been my pleasure to get to know him and to work with him as we build the kingdom of God in these latter days.
May the Lord bless you while your son is away serving in this marvelous work.
President Edward M. Swapp Sister Jayne Swapp
President, Monterrey West Mission Sister Swapp, Monterrey West Mission